TD Game Changer

About Us

about us

TD game changer, inc.

Tax Deed Game Changer, Inc. (TDGC) is a Tax Lien and Tax Deed research platform that is one of a  kind. We understand time is money. The more properties you can research in a given time period, the higher the probability you have of acquiring the Tax Deeds and Tax Liens that you desire. This platform was designed with speed and simplicity in mind for the end user, the Tax Lien and Tax Deed investor.

After years of research, one thing has remained consistent, research will always take time. The research will always be labor intensive. True, with technology, the time it takes to do proper research has gone down considerably. With TD Game Changer, what use to take us 2-3 weeks is now down to one day, with more accuracy. Tax Deed Game Changer simplifies the research process while cutting the time drastically

First, we procured nationwide Tax Sale lists. These lists consist of all Tax Lien and Tax Deed sales in the United States. TD Game Changer also provides auction information, Sales Notes when available and any possible notes. We also have all public record information for over 150+ million properties. GIS Maps, Google Street View, Google Aerial, AVM’s and Sales Comparables are all at your disposal for each file. There are additional options to purchase a Title Report if needed. We also feature valuable links to ease the research process.

The nationwide lists, specific property data and the analysis sheet in one place reduces one hour of research to 5-10 minutes. This research platform is indeed a game changer when it comes to Tax Deed research.

The nationwide lists, specific property data and the analysis sheet in one place reduces one hour of research to 5-10 minutes. This research platform is indeed a game changer when it comes to Tax Deed research

Nationwide Tax Sale List

If there is a tax sale list to be had in the United States, TD Game Changer has it! All of our lists are continuously updated to provide the most recent sale information!

  • Nationwide sale list for all Tax Lien and Tax Deed sales in the United States.
  • Over 3500 taxing jurisdictions of Liens, Redeemable Deeds and Deeds!
  • Sortable by Auction Type, State, Jurisdiction, Sale Type and the number of parcels!
  • A concise state breakdown of state statutes with links to the cunty sites.

Property Research

TD Game Changer was designed to simplify the research process. Gone are the days of going to multiple sites to gather the necessary data to make an informed decision!

  • Up to date Public Record data for over 145+ million properties from 4 national data suppliers;
  • Property Characteristics, Photos, AVMs, Sales Comparables and much more!
  • Valuable connections that provide discounts for title reports, inspection reports and  Property Profiles.

Property Analysis

Our Property Analysis tab is what truly makes Tax Deed Game Changer unique. This proprietary analysis allows the members to make a quick decision on whether to move forward on a property

  • We have a proprietary auto filled Excel spreadsheet saving time and accuracy
  • Online storage of research on a per property basis.
  • The Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded. Its perfect for partners or investors.

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